Sunday, July 4, 2021 

Valley Evangelical Covenant Church

Sunday, July 4, 2021 

Online Worship Service 



YouTube Playlist: 

Spotify Playlist: 


  • Church Cleaning this Week: Wilbert and Karen Schoenrath

  • Church Lawn Mowing this Week: Garry Eagle

  • In person worship will be held on Sunday, July 4th at 10:30 am. The plan will be for an outdoor service (weather permitting). If the weather is uncooperative, the service will move indoors with a maximum of 25 people. (Split into two groups again -- Group #1: A-G and Group #2: H-Z) Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

  • Covenant Heights is going to have an online event for Jr. High students on Tuesday, July 6th and High School students on Thursday, July 8th . Let Pastor Andy know if you would like to participate on that evening or go to for more information.

  • Congratulations to the Grandsons of Pauline Husenetter on their upcoming weddings (Ori & Brooklyn LeBlanc [June 11], Pierry & Amber LeBlanc [Aug 7]). Well wishes and cards can be sent to Mrs Cheryl LeBlanc: P. O. Box 2236 Swan River, MB, R0L 1Z0 or phone ahead to arrange for dropoff at (204) 734-4013. May God continue to bless these couples.

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Worship Leader: Do not fret because of those who are evil or be

envious of those who do wrong.


Together: for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants

they will soon die away.


Worship Leader: Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land

and enjoy safe pasture.


Together: Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of

your heart.


Worship Leader: Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and

he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the

dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.


Together: Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.

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Come, Now Is The Time to Worship


Come now is the time to worship

Come now is the time to give your heart

Come just as you are to worship

Come just as you are before your God



One day every tongue

Will confess You are God

One day every knee will bow

Still the greatest treasure remains

For those who gladly choose You now


Anchor of Hope

Verse 1

Marvelous wonderful infinite God

Author of all that is good

Faithful provider and giver of life

Source of all power and love


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise

Refuge of strength to the end

Righteous redeemer and mighty to save

He's the anchor of hope for the souls of men

Verse 2

Gracious compassionate merciful God

Radiant holy delight

Beautiful Father victorious Son

Source of unchangeable light


You are light in the dark

You are healing for the broken heart

You are hope You are Lord

You are life You are love that endures

Verse 3

Powerful constant unwavering God

Shepherd who comes for the lost

Rock of salvation remarkable love

Savior who died on the cross


How Firm a Foundation

Verse 1

How firm a foundation You saints of the Lord

Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word

What more can He say

Than to you He has said

To you who for refuge

To Jesus have fled

Verse 2

Fear not I am with you

Oh be not dismayed

For I am your God

And will still give you aid

I'll strengthen you help you

And cause you to stand

Upheld by My righteous

Omnipotent hand

Verse 3

When through the deep waters

I call you to go

The rivers of sorrow

Shall not overflow

For I will be with you

Your troubles to bless

And sanctify to you

Your deepest distress

Verse 4

When through fiery trials

Your pathway shall lie

My grace all-sufficient

Shall be your supply

The flame shall not hurt you

I only design

Your dross to consume and

Your gold to refine

Verse 5

The soul that on Jesus

Has leaned for repose

I will not I will not

Desert to his foes

That soul though all hell

Should endeavor to shake

I'll never no never

No never forsake

I'll never no never

No never forsake

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  • Pray for Rosebud Church (Rosebud, AB) and Pastor Ray Wall.

  • Thank God for our nation. Pray that we might become a more just and equitable society.

  • Praise God that he is in control of the future. Pray that we might have a robust faith in God with the uncertainties of the future.

  • Pray for our frontline workers and government leaders.

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Grace Alone

Verse 1

I was an orphan lost at the fall

Running away when I'd hear you call

But Father you worked your will

I had no righteousness of my own

I had no right to draw near your throne

But Father you loved me still

Chorus 1

And in love before you laid the world's foundation

You predestined to adopt me as your own

You have raised me up so high above my station

I'm a child of God by grace and grace alone

Verse 2

You left your home to seek out the lost

You knew the great and terrible cost

But Jesus your face was set

I worked my fingers down to the bone

But nothing I did could ever atone

But Jesus you paid my debt

Chorus 2

By Your blood I have redemption and salvation

Lord you died that I might reap what you have sown

And you rose that I might be a new creation

I am born again by grace and grace alone


I was in darkness all of my life

I never knew the day from the night

But Spirit you made me see

I swore I knew the way on my own

Head full of rocks a heart made of stone

But Spirit you moved in me

Chorus 3

And at your touch my sleeping spirit was awakened

On my darkened heart the light of Christ has shone

Called into a kingdom that cannot be shaken

Heaven's citizen by grace and grace alone


So I'll stand in faith by grace and grace alone

I will run the race by grace and grace alone

I will slay my sin by grace and grace alone

I will reach the end by grace and grace alone

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Verse 1

What is our hope in life and death?

Christ alone Christ alone

What is our only confidence?

That our souls to Him belong

Who holds our days within His hand?

What comes apart from His command?

And what will keep us to the end?

The love of Christ in which we stand


O sing hallelujah

Our hope springs eternal

O sing hallelujah

Now and ever we confess

Christ our hope in life and death

Verse 2

What truth can calm the troubled soul?

God is good God is good

Where is His grace and goodness known?

In our great Redeemer's blood

Who holds our faith when fears arise?

Who stands above the stormy trial?

Who sends the waves that bring us nigh

Unto the shore the rock of Christ?

Verse 3

Unto the grave what will we sing?

Christ He lives Christ He lives

And what reward will heaven bring?

Everlasting life with Him

There we will rise to meet the Lord

Then sin and death will be destroyed

And we will feast in endless joy

When Christ is ours forevermore

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Because He Lives

Verse 1

God sent His Son they called Him Jesus

He came to love heal and forgive

He bled and died to buy my pardon

An empty grave is there to prove

My Savior lives


Because He lives I can face tomorrow

Because He lives all fear is gone

Because I know He holds the future

And life is worth the living

Just because He lives

Verse 2

How sweet to hold a newborn baby

And feel the pride and joy he gives

But greater still the calm assurance

This child can face uncertain days

Because He lives

Verse 3

And then one day I'll cross that river

I'll fight life's final war with pain

And then as death gives way to vict'ry

I'll see the lights of glory

And I'll know He lives

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Pastor: Andy Gilkinson

566 Main Street, Box 32, Durban, MB  R0L 0P0

Office Admin: Kayla Balko              

Office Email:   Office Phone/Fax: 204-539-2271


Sunday, July 11, 2021 


Sunday, June 27, 2021