Sunday, May 30, 2021 

Valley Evangelical Covenant Church

Sunday, May 30, 2021 

Online Worship Service 



YouTube Playlist: 

Spotify Playlist: 


  • Next Church Connection Time: Tuesday, June 1 at 7:30 pm

  • Due to the current restrictions, Pastor Andy will be in the office from Monday to Friday until churches are able to reopen.

  • The Canadian Foodgrains Bank Fields of Jubilee Grow Project Committee has organized the seeding of 80 acres of wheat east of Minitonas on Louisiana Pacific property and the seeding of 80 acres of wheat near Benito.  If you would like to be involved in this local initiative by sponsoring a portion of the inputs for one or more acres of land at $50.00 per acre please feel free to mail in a cheque. Cheques are to be made payable to Valley Evangelical Covenant Church designated for the “Fields of Jubilee Grow Project”.  The fund will close by June 27th. This is an opportunity to assist in feeding the hungry of the world. 



Worship Leader: The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment.


Together: He rules the world in righteousness and judges the peoples with equity.


Worship Leader: The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.


Together: Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Worship Leader: Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion;


Together: proclaim among the nations what he has done.

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Everlasting God


Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

We will wait upon the Lord

We will wait upon the Lord

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

We will wait upon the Lord

We will wait upon the Lord


Our God You reign forever

Our Hope our strong Deliv'rer


You are the everlasting God

The everlasting God

You do not faint

You won't grow weary

You're the defender of the weak

You comfort those in need

You lift us up on wings like eagles

Behold Our God

Verse 1

Who has held the oceans in His hands

Who has numbered every grain of sand

Kings and nations tremble at His voice

All creation rises to rejoice


Behold our God seated on His throne

Come let us adore Him

Behold our King nothing can compare

Come let us adore Him

Verse 2

Who has given counsel to the Lord

Who can question any of His words

Who can teach the One who knows all things

Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds

Verse 3

Who has felt the nails upon His hands

Bearing all the guilt of sinful man

God eternal humbled to the grave

Jesus Savior risen now to reign


You will reign forever

(Let Your glory fill the earth)



You will reign forever

(Let Your glory fill)


Lord Most High 


From the ends of the earth (ECHO)

From the depths of the sea (ECHO)

From the heights of the heavens (ECHO)

Your name be praised

From the hearts of the weak (ECHO)

From the shouts of the strong (ECHO)

From the lips of all people (ECHO)

This song we raise Lord


Throughout the endless ages

You will be crowned with praises

Lord Most High

Exalted in every nation

Sovereign of all creation

Lord Most High be magnified

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  • Pray for Hope Community Covenant Church (Strathmore, AB) and Pastor Heidi Wiebe and her team.

  • Praise God for the recent rains that we have received. 

  • Pray for local businesses that continue to be affected by the shutdown.

  • Pray for our frontline workers and government leaders.

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Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

Verse 1

Come behold the wondrous myst'ry

In the dawning of the King

He the theme of heaven's praises

Robed in frail humanity

In our longing in our darkness

Now the light of life has come

Look to Christ who condescended

Took on flesh to ransom us

Verse 2

Come behold the wondrous myst'ry

He the perfect Son of Man

In His living in His suff'ring

Never trace nor stain of sin

See the true and better Adam

Come to save the hell-bound man

Christ the great and sure fulfillment

Of the law in Him we stand

Verse 3

Come behold the wondrous myst'ry

Christ the Lord upon the tree

In the stead of ruined sinners

Hangs the Lamb in victory

See the price of our redemption

See the Father's plan unfold

Bringing many sons to glory

Grace unmeasured love untold

Verse 4

Come behold the wondrous myst'ry

Slain by death the God of life

But no grave could e'er restrain Him

Praise the Lord He is alive

What a foretaste of deliv'rance

How unwavering our hope

Christ in power resurrected

As we will be when He comes

Come Ye Sinners

Verse 1

Come ye sinners the poor and needy

Weak and wounded sick and sore

And Jesus ready stands to save you

Full of pity love and power


I will arise and go to Jesus

He will embrace me in His arms

And in the arms of my dear Savior

Oh there are ten thousand charms

Verse 2

Come, ye thirsty, come, and welcome,

God’s free bounty glorify;

True belief and true repentance,

Every grace that brings you nigh.

Verse 3

Come, ye weary, heavy-laden,

Lost and ruined by the fall;

If you tarry till you’re better,

You will never come at all.

Verse 4

View Him prostrate in the garden;

On the ground your Maker lies;

On the bloody tree behold Him;

Sinner, will this not suffice?

Verse 5

Let not conscience make you linger,

Not of fitness fondly dream;

All the fitness He requireth

Is to feel your need of Him.

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Amazing Grace

Verse 1

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost but now I'm found

Was blind but now I see

Verse 2

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fears relieved

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed


My chains are gone I've been set free

My God my Savior has ransomed me

And like a flood His mercy rains

Unending love amazing grace

Verse 3

The Lord has promised good to me

His word my hope secures

He will my shield and portion be

As long as life endures

Verse 4

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow

The sun forbear to shine

But God who called me here below

Will be forever mine

Will be forever mine

You are forever mine

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Pastor: Andy Gilkinson

566 Main Street, Box 32, Durban, MB  R0L 0P0

Office Admin: Kayla Balko              

Office Email:   Office Phone/Fax: 204-539-2271


Sunday, June 6, 2021


Sunday, May 23, 2021